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Celebrating 40 years of The Hopkins Group

Did you know The Hopkins Group has been around for 40 years?

Since our inception in 1980, we’ve had different names, different offices, and different faces.

What has stayed the same is our commitment to our philosophies and our passion for providing quality service to our clients.

As we celebrate our 40th anniversary, we’d like to invite you to take a stroll with us down memory lane via our interactive timeline and thank you for being such a big part of our story.

We’ve loved having you along with us on our journey thus far and look forward to many more years to come. Here’s to another 40 years!


Interview with Andrew Mitchell from Ophir Asset Management

Talk Investment speaks to Andrew Mitchell from Ophir Asset Management about their Global Opportunities Fund.

Global Small & Mid Cap companies offer substantial opportunities for investors and Ophir has delivered for investors.  You will hear about how Ophir identify opportunities, the quality focus of the fund and why Ophir see a bright future for Small & Mid cap companies globally.

We delve deep into the investment process, examples of the stocks they own and the hard work Ophir do on your behalf to deliver returns.

Compound your wisdom!

Talk Investment with Mark Wenzel is a podcast presented by The Hopkins Group. Visit us online at thehopkinsgroup.com.au


Please note the following podcast and information discussed within it are general in nature and don’t take into account individual situations, needs or goals.

Please do your own research, speak with an adviser or other relevant professional who will be able to make a recommendation based on your specific circumstances.

This podcast shouldn’t be relied upon as advice – you will need to satisfy yourself through independent means that any decisions based on this material are appropriate.

Mark Wenzel is an Authorised Representative and John Hopkins Financial Services Pty Ltd is a Corporate Representative of WealthSure Financial Services Pty Ltd Level 1 190 Stirling Street PERTH WA 6000 ACN:130 288 578 AFSL: 326450


What is the demand for Rooming Houses in Victoria?

The rooming house landscape across both metropolitan and regional Victoria is a competitive one for both investors and tenants, and in this article we wanted to delve deeper and investigate why this is.

What do Rooming Houses offer today?

Since the early 2000s, a model of profitable private rooming houses has emerged to challenge the often more expensive residential rental market and offer an alternative for investors tired of purchasing negatively geared property.

How many Rooming Houses do we have in Victoria?

In 2020 the state recorded more than 1400 rooming house locations registered with Consumer Affairs which might sound like a lot, but is it really?

According to the 2016 Census this figure makes up only 0.05% of all homes, so it is safe to say owning one would certainly put you in a very exclusive group of investors.

Why invest in Rooming Houses vs other residential dwellings?

The biggest stand-out benefit to investing in a rooming house development is the high rental yield and securing a cash-flow positive property practically from day one.

The high rental return and associated operational requirements are the main reasons why this investment works very differently to a standard residential apartment or a house.

Owners like that if one tenant moves out, they still have four or more residents paying rent to ensure their investment costs continue to be covered.

Also, while a rooming house will cost a little bit more than a standard house in its respective suburb, they are substantially cheaper than purchasing eight or nine apartments to achieve an equivalent rental return.

What is the demand for tenancy?

According to the latest census data, 2.3 million Australians are living in a single-person household – that is 1 in every 4 people.

The problem is only 5% of dwellings in this country have 1 bedroom only – so many are forced to share accommodation with others or stay at home with mum and dad to save money.

Rooming houses satisfy this segment of the market by providing a secure and private single person dwelling – often with a private bathroom and important shared facilities for a more affordable rate.

Achieving independence is a significant milestone for the younger generation today, especially as over 50% of 18 to 29 year olds are still living at home.

A rooming house will typically be cheaper to rent then a standard one-bedroom house/apartment but still provides the freedom they desire.

Now let’s look at the numbers in Victoria

In 2016 there were 521,828 people living in single person households.

However, there were only 107,356 one-bedroom dwellings recorded in the census.

These figures already give you an indication of the supply demand challenge.

Here are some rental figures we have pulled from some of the most popular suburbs across Melbourne.

The average rental return for a one-bedroom residence as of 20 September 2020 – this is while Victoria is in stage 4 lockdown so we can expect a slight increase to these numbers.

Fitzroy – $430pw

Melbourne CBD – $400pw

Richmond – $400pw

South Yarra – $390pw

Rooming House – $200pw to $300pw

Location and whether the rooming house property is self-contained or provides shared facilities impacts the rental amount and these rental agreements often include all utilities.

A rooming house investment will typically return between $2000pw and $2500pw in rent depending on the location and number of bedrooms. In a recent survey we conducted the average number of bedrooms in a rooming house was 8.

(Source: ABS Statistics)

Conclusion and how to get started

There is no doubt demand for single occupancy living is high and will continue to be strong long into the future. Having to pay more to live in a larger property with 2-3 bedrooms and sharing is certainly not a long-term ambition for many.

It only takes a couple of quick searches on popular websites like Gumtree and Flatmates to determine the rental market is competitive, costly and lacking single occupancy opportunities.

If you want to discuss your property investment strategy in more detail and determine if a rooming house development should be on your radar, please do not hesitate to get in touch with The Hopkins Group

Our industry leading rooming house management service is led by a team of expert property professionals, who take great pride in maintaining high service standards and achieving outstanding results for clients.

If you have any questions whatsoever regarding rooming houses you can contact our office on 1300 726 082 or email info@thehopkinsgroup.com.au.

Interview with Richard Elmslie from Rare Infrastructure

Talk Investment with Mark Wenzel speaks to Richard Elmslie from Rare Infrastructure about investing in Infrastructure assets.

Infrastructure has unique characteristics which make them attractive for investors and great for improving the productivity of nations.

We delve into;

  • What makes infrastructure an attractive investment
  • Infrastructure as an inflation hedge
  • The impact of rising interest rates on infrastructure investments (its not as bad as you think!)
  • Sustainable & ESG infrastructure investment
  • Emerging market infrastructure
  • And much more!

Compound your wisdom!

About the Firm

RARE Infrastructure Limited and its related companies (“ClearBridge RARE”) are wholly owned by Franklin Resources, Inc., and part of ClearBridge Investments, LLC.. We maintain a culture of client focus, research-driven active management and ESG integration.


Please note the following podcast and information discussed within it are general in nature and don’t take into account individual situations, needs or goals.

Please do your own research, speak with an adviser or other relevant professional who will be able to make a recommendation based on your specific circumstances.

This podcast shouldn’t be relied upon as advice – you will need to satisfy yourself through independent means that any decisions based on this material are appropriate.

Mark Wenzel is an Authorised Representative and John Hopkins Financial Services Pty Ltd is a Corporate Representative of WealthSure Financial Services Pty Ltd Level 1 190 Stirling Street PERTH WA 6000 ACN:130 288 578 AFSL: 326450



Why you need a specialist for your rooming house management

As the demand for affordable housing continues to rise, the interest in rooming houses has never been higher. As investors look to this category of property as the next frontier to diversify their residential property portfolios, you might be wondering how the ongoing management of rooming houses differs from a traditional property management scenario.

The fact is, there is a lot more involved when it comes to the management of one of these properties. Rooming house property management is a specialist field that not all agencies are equipped to handle. Let’s discuss some of the key differences.

Additional legislative requirements

While all residential tenancies must operate under the regulations set under the Residential Tenancies Act 1997, rooming houses bring with them a number of additional legislative requirements rooming house operators must abide by.

For example, there is the Rooming House Operators Act 2016 which is a licensing scheme ensuring operators (usually rooming house owners) and their delegated rooming house managers are “fit and proper persons”. Then there’s the Residential Tenancies (Rooming House Standards) Regulations 2012 which governs the minimum operating standards for privacy, security, safety and amenity in rooming houses – regardless of whether a resident is on a rooming house agreement or an individual tenancy agreement. There are also the minimum standards set out by the Building Regulations 2006 and part 5 of the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2009 (Prescribed Accommodation) which a rooming house operator must also abide by.

Much more hands on

In a traditional rental arrangement, the idea of “communal amenity” is usually reserved for larger developments, such as apartment buildings with a shared pool or rooftop gardens. In those situations, any maintenance or issues surrounding theses communal amenities are managed by the owners corporation. While the property manager may play a role in passing along a message on behalf of the tenant or landlord, but ultimately it isn’t within their role to ensure the upkeep of this amenity.

Rooming house managers on the other hand are much more involved in ensuring the communal areas are maintained to at least a minimum standard. Things like shared kitchen appliances, laundry facilities, and lighting are all included under rooming house manager’s remit – whereas in a more traditional rental situation the onus is on the tenant to ensure the general upkeep of these items. This is managed in part through the institution of “house rules” to ensure residents are respectful and appropriate in their use of both shared and private spaces, but also through regular on-site visits by the rooming house manager.

How The Hopkins Group manages rooming houses

The Hopkins Group offers two models for our rooming house clients. These are:

Property Management Model

  • You will require an operator license and we will nominate a representative for this license
  • We take care of the leasing and management of your investment property

Rooming House Operator Model

  • We take care of everything associated with your rooming house investment
  • Our rooming house operator license is activated, and our team manage these responsibilities
  • We monitor and adhere to the Residential Tenancies Act, Rooming House Act, Public Health and Wellbeing Act and other relevant legislation
  • Comply with all council and state government legislation and regulations
  • Conduct necessary safety checks and communicate with council and government offices

A specialist rooming house manager like The Hopkins Group is well equipped to not only ensure your rooming house is tenanted and maintained, but also navigate the complexities of keeping making sure you continue to be compliant with all relevant legislation.

Rooming house management is a specialist area, so it makes sense to hire experts. To learn how The Hopkins Group can assist you with your rooming house, contact us today.

Interview with Damon Gosen from VanEck – Part 2

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Talk Investment with Mark Wenzel speaks to Damon Gosen from VanEck Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).  In the second of a 2 part series, we learn about the ETFs Damon thinks you should have exposure to in your portfolio, the outlook for gold & why gold miners might be a better investment than buying gold directly and what might cause inflation to spike.

The ETFs we discuss in part 2:

  1. US Wide Moat companies – ASX: MOAT
  2. Global Gold Miners – ASX: GDX
  3. Emerging Markets Factor weighted – ASX: EKMT

There is great insight in this episode.  We delve deep into how competitive advantages like Wide Moats can deliver superior returns, why gold miners can provide better returns than buying gold directly and why Emerging Markets are worth buying for your portfolio.

Compound your wisdom!

Talk Investment with Mark Wenzel is a podcast presented by The Hopkins Group. Visit us online at thehopkinsgroup.com.au


Please note the following podcast and information discussed within it are general in nature and don’t take into account individual situations, needs or goals.

Please do your own research, speak with an adviser or other relevant professional who will be able to make a recommendation based on your specific circumstances.

This podcast shouldn’t be relied upon as advice – you will need to satisfy yourself through independent means that any decisions based on this material are appropriate.

Mark Wenzel is an Authorised Representative and John Hopkins Financial Services Pty Ltd is a Corporate Representative of WealthSure Financial Services Pty Ltd Level 1 190 Stirling Street PERTH WA 6000 ACN:130 288 578 AFSL: 326450



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