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Zika Virus – What’s the Buzz?

If you’ve read the paper, watched television or consumed any social media in recent weeks, chances are you would have heard of the Zika virus (ZIKV) and its fast growing spread across the world.

But how does the heightened awareness of the Zika virus relate back to financial wellbeing? And why are we writing a blog post on it? Well, allow us to present some facts and figures within this article to point out the relevance of this current affair and its link to your financial security – more specifically, insurance.

What is it?

Since 2015, the Zika virus has spread rapidly to a number of countries, particularly in the Americas. It is known to be transmitted by mosquitoes and people planning travel around the world are advised to check whether the country they are planning to visit has active Zika virus transmission.

Most infected people have no symptoms or experience only a mild illness but the virus has been linked to microcephaly, a neurological disorder in which infants are born with undersized heads.

Key facts

  • A mosquito-borne disease
  • Transmission has been confirmed by various scenarios. Predominantly by the bite.
  • Usually no symptoms
  • One in every five cases, infection causes an illness with fever, rash, conjunctivitis, severe headache and muscle pain
  • Transmission of the virus is usually not severe or require hospitalisation
  • Outbreaks have been reported in tropical Africa, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands
  • All cases in Australia have been a result from travelling overseas
  • No specific treatment or vaccine currently available
  • Best form of prevention is of course avoiding being bitten by mosquitoes in impacted countries
  • Pregnant women who get ZIKV, may have birth defects in their offspring, including a serious condition known as microcephaly.  Studies on this are required and evolving.

Zika virus infection is diagnosed through:

  • medical history, including a travel history to look for any exposure in a country with active Zika transmission in the two weeks prior to illness
  • physical examination, to look for evidence of the infection
  • blood tests

Is it in Australia?

Currently, 23 cases have already been identified in Australia.  The World Health Organisation has officially declared this virus as a world health emergency.

Recent news stories have reported that while people have tested positive for the Zika virus in Australia, there was no risk to the public as the virus was not be transmitted person to person and was not present in Australian mosquitoes.

A recent ninemsn article confirmed the breed of mosquito capable of carrying the Zika virus has been found at Brisbane’s international airport seven times in the past year.

But what’s the link to my financial wellbeing?

Given this virus is all over the news, we thought it would be a good idea to investigate how it is relevant to one’s insurances. Basically, we expect that through the insurance application process, insurers will increase questions surrounding your previous or intended travel and any potential relationship or links to this virus.

Should the unthinkable happen and your or a member of your family get struck down by this virus, you need to make sure you have appropriate insurance in place to cover all sorts of outcomes.

Why is it important to review my insurance now – Including Child Trauma cover?

This virus has the potential to increase liabilities on insurer’s books, specifically for claims pertaining to consequences of contracting the virus and more specifically if your offspring is affected by microcephaly.

Insurance has always been an important part of client’s long term financial wellbeing, however more specifically, Child Trauma cover has never been so important with many consumers unaware of its existence.

The cover provides financial support should the unforeseen happen to your children and most importantly, it helps with any financial stress, to provide choices to aid in your child’s recovery.

Many insurance providers include child cover options allowing cover for children to be added to any Death, TPD, or Trauma cover taken out by the parent(s).

What does it mean?

If either you or your partner become exposed and this exposure is evidenced through your medical history, the policy terms offered to you may include an exclusion.

What next?

For the most up to date information on countries experiencing active Zika virus transmission, stay tuned to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Smartraveller website.

In terms of making sure you and your family are protected or to check the clauses in your own insurance policy, contact your Financial Planner to discuss your personal insurance plan.



All I Want for Christmas is to Stay out of Debt

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

With Christmas rapidly approaching, now is the time to set your Christmas spending plan in motion.

There are some simple rules to follow to avoid unwanted January debt. Most of us know them, yet how well do we implement them?

Avoid Impulsive Buying

Write a list. Know who you need to buy for and set limits on how much you will spend for each person. Stick to this limit.

“The closer it gets to Christmas, the more likely you are to panic buy and break your budget,” says ME Bank spokesperson Rebecca James.

Plan to shop ahead of time to avoid putting too many purchases on the credit card at the last minute.

Do some research before going to the shopping centre by going online and comparing prices.

Be in Control of Your Credit Card

The Retail Council Christmas Spending Index for 2015 is forecasting that “Nationally $35 billion is expected to be spent in the lead up to Christmas”.

Credit cards make it too easy to spend money. Only spend money that you know you can afford to pay back by the time the interest free period runs out on your credit card.

With an average credit card interest rate around 17% that thought alone should deter you from overspending on the plastic. Credit card interest rates are more than nearly four times the interest rates of some mortgages.

Don’t kid yourself by sharing the spend over multiple cards. Consider using only one card as it is a lot easier to keep track of what you have spent when it’s all on the one bill.

Use Software to Track Your Expenses

If you have been unsuccessful at sticking to a budget in the past, take advantage of free software to track your expenses.

The MoneySmart website features an application called TrackMySPEND which tracks your spending and allows you to set a limit. It can be downloaded to your smart phone so you can monitor your spending on the go and keep track of every single purchase.

During this festive season it is easy to overspend. Remember;

If you fail to plan; then you plan to fail.

Speaking of planning, if you would like some help developing your financial plan for 2016, why not give us a call on 1300 726 082? Our financial planning team is here to help. We can discuss your current situation, and look what you want to achieve, both now and in the future. It’s never too early to start planning for next Christmas and I look forward to the opportunity to help you reach your financial goals.

Disclaimer: John Hopkins Financial Services Pty Ltd are Representatives of WealthSure Financial Services Pty Ltd Level 1 190 Stirling Street PERTH WA 6000 ACN:130 288 578 AFSL: 326450. 

General Advice Warning: This advice may not be suitable to you because it contains general advice that has not been tailored to your personal circumstances. Please seek personal financial advice prior to acting on this information.

Investment Diversification, the Role of Risk Profiling and the Importance of Advice

For the average investor, a short term, sharp decline in the markets and increased volatility can be enough for them to re-engage with their financial adviser and seek advice on moving out of growth assets and into defensive assets. Often, the most common reaction from clients is a desire to liquidate their investments and set aside funds from the sell-off in cash.

While a client’s appetite for risk is assessed through a completed risk profile, before they invest their money, time after time we see the psychology of a client change during a decline in the markets and economy.

What is a Risk Profile and how Does it Work?

A risk profile is an industry standard tool, which varies between Australian Financial Services Licensees, and is designed to identify the amount of risk an investor is willing to accept. Assessing a person’s tolerance to investment risk is a key aspect of portfolio construction and is critical to determining appropriate asset allocation, the recommended investments and expected returns.

Psychology and Emotion

As financial planners we are not experts in psychology, however as subject matter experts in managing clients’ money, through both negative and positive times, we encourage our clients to detach emotionally. We do this by revisiting the client’s original appetite for risk in conjunction with their goals and objectives, i.e. re-visit the client’s journey, why they initially sought advice and what they set out to achieve.

We encourage clients to invest their money in line with their investment time frame into a diversified portfolio of strongly recommended and researched assets. Reacting to market events and attempting to “time the market” is something we do not encourage.

Advice Matters

Instead of making short-term decisions about your investments, a better idea may be to develop and maintain a long-term investment strategy in conjunction with goals and objectives with your adviser. It has been proven through history that kneejerk reactions to sell down underperforming assets may be ill-timed. For example, in 2007 when the global financial crisis started to unfold, the ASX all ordinaries market was at an all-time high of 6,748.90 (October 12th 2007). In March 2009 the market was at its lowest point of 3,145.50 before rebounding in March 2015 where it rose to 5,975.50. Today the market is sitting around 5000 points – sure, it’s not back to its 2007 peak but you’d be kicking yourself now if you’d become impatient and sold at the low in 2009.

If your fund continues to re-invest at lower levels during market down turns, you will be rewarded when the market recovers.


In light of market volatility, I believe clients who seek and pay for ongoing personal advice will be better placed over the long term. Ensuring your portfolio includes an array of different asset classes through diversification is an important strategy to smooth returns over a long investment time frame. Markets will always trade with some level of volatility, but taking this approach helps even out the highs and lows over time.

If you are interested in developing your portfolio and have never sought financial planning advice before, we encourage you to contact the team on 1300 726 132, to make a financial planning appointment. Initial consultations are free and with no obligation. Alternatively, if you are an existing client looking for additional value add advice, please also do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your current situation and future financial plans.

Disclaimer: Shane Light is an Authorised Representative and John Hopkins Financial Services Pty Ltd is a Corporate Representative of WealthSure Financial Services Pty Ltd Level 1 190 Stirling Street PERTH WA 6000 ACN:130 288 578 AFSL: 326450.

General Advice Warning: This advice may not be suitable to you because it contains general advice that has not been tailored to your personal circumstances. Please seek personal financial advice prior to acting on this information.

Top Five Financial Planning Mistakes

Life is an uncertain game full of peaks and troughs. Financial planning is all about setting up your current position to best take advantage of any opportunity that may arise whilst protecting against any potential downfalls.

It is the process of meeting your life goals and objectives by channelling your finances so you are free to live with a sense of structured freedom.

When you picture your financial independence, what do you see? Enjoying life to the fullest, having successfully secured your family’s needs? Seeing the world? Working on a cause you are passionate about? Financial planning can help you best achieve your idea of complete nirvana from all your financial worries, so you can best position yourself and potentially attain peace of mind in the process.

Carefully planning you finances can set you up for the long term, yet time and time again many individuals don’t seek financial planning advice until they reach a later stage in their life, often not even until pre-retirement age.

As a financial planner, the best advice I can give is to not put off something so important until you are nearing retirement age; start now!

Financial planning is a systematic process. It doesn’t follow a random path. One size doesn’t fit all. It is a step-by-step process designed to help you evaluate your financial position, goals and aspirations through a carefully constructed financial plan. Financial planning involves calculating the pros and cons of a situation, which can be exhausting if professional guidance is not taken.

There are many mistakes individuals can make when trying to sort out their finances without seeking appropriate advice. Below, I have outlined my top five avoidable mistakes investors can make whilst doing their financial planning:

1. Ignoring Inflation:

To put it simply, inflation is a ‘cost’ we all pay. It is well known that most company’s incorporate annual income increases for employees year after year to coincide with inflation, however what people tend to skim over is the simultaneous rise in expenses too. If ignored, inflation will see your savings deplete leaving little surplus for goals. If you only account for expenses as being “static” (expenses not increasing in value due to inflation), then your anticipated savings will be unrealistic. This paints an incorrect picture about the ability to reach goals due to inflated savings. Hence investors should always incorporate a reasonable rate of inflation whilst planning their financial goals.

2. Clarity of Goals:

We all have multiple goals we want to fulfil in life, be it children’s education, wedding, buying a property, travel or retirement. Whilst most people have some idea about roughly how much money will be needed to achieve each goal, most often than not we fail to put them on paper. Quantifying every goal and adjusting them for inflation helps in determining the savings that will be required in each circumstance. This ensures an asset allocation that is in tune with your individual risk profile and investment goals.

It’s vital you are 100% honest and clear with your financial planner in terms of the clarity of your goals, so they can construct the best plan in line with your objectives.

3. Not planning for contingencies:

Every person should have a Plan B. Whether it’s a cash buffer, exit plan, insurance or defensive investments – something should be considered. Events or circumstances such as temporary disability, loss of job or any other situation could potentially put your income at risk. A common strategy amongst investors is to set aside some money into liquid assets (such as money in a savings account) which can be easily withdrawn in a time of emergency. This fund should not be used for discretionary expenses (like a holiday or luxury purchase).

4. Inadequate Insurance:

A life insurance policy will help the family tide over the loss of income of a deceased individual, or other insured event. Although the loss of the individual cannot be replaced, having sufficient insurance in place can safeguard the family against monetary problems. While a financial planner can advise you on the level of insurance cover you should have, generally this amount takes into account your current debt levels, income, dependents and estate planning needs.

5. Unrealistic Assumptions:

Financial planning is essentially a projection of your future based on certain assumptions, such as life expectancy, rate of return on assets, rate of inflation, etc. Investors generally tend to be over confident when it comes to expected returns from equity and debt. Similarly, life expectancy and inflation assumptions are often inaccurate. Unrealistic assumptions result in unrealistic planning, which can have significant implications.

Whatever your goals or objectives, it’s important you take the time to review all aspects of your financial situation and find an experienced financial planner who you trust and get along well with.

Remember, it’s never too early to put an appropriate financial plan in place. Don’t fall into the trap of making the same mistakes others have made; your financial future is simply too important.

For more information on putting together a financial strategy, or for any queries in relation to financial planning, please feel free to call our office on 1300 726 082 and ask to speak with a financial planner who will be able to assist.

The Importance of a SMSF Trust Deed

A self managed superannuation fund (SMSF) is a trust structure used to manage retirement savings on behalf of its members. All SMSFs must abide by trust and superannuation laws, which include compliance with the following:

  • General trust law
  • Superannuation taxation legislation
  • The SMSF Trust Deed or governing rules
  • Corporation legislation, if there is a corporate trustee in place.

The primary obligation of a trustee is to act in accordance with the Trust Deed. A Trust Deed sets out how the trustee should operate and manage the Trust.

Key provisions – what should a Trust Deed include?

To ensure the smooth running of a SMSF, the Trust Deed should generally include:

  • A clear establishment date
  • A clear definition of the ‘relevant law’ or ‘superannuation law’
  • A compliance clause stipulating that the Trust Deed is to be read in conjunction with the superannuation laws, that the Trust Deed is deemed to include any governing rules in order for the SMSF to be a complying SMSF and that in the case of any inconsistencies between the governing rules and the law, the relevant law is to take precedence
  • Details of how someone can become a member of the SMSF
  • Details on how proceedings are to be conducted (e.g. unanimous vote, majority vote etc.).
  • Details of the investment power of the trustee should include:
  • Express power to allow the trustee to borrow
  • Rules for the acceptance of contributions, including in-specie contributions
  • Rules for the payment of benefits, including the nomination of reversionary beneficiaries
  • Rules in relation to binding death benefit nominations
  • Details of who may become trustee and under what circumstances
  • Details of how a SMSF may be wound up and in what circumstances
  • Details about how the Trust Deed can be amended and any specific requirements of that amendment
  • These are generally standard clauses in most SMSF Trust Deeds; however some older Trust Deeds may not include these so it is especially important to check your Trust Deed
  • When do you need to consult your Trust Deed?
  • Key stages of a SMSF that will require the Trust Deed to be consulted (and possibly amended) include:
  • Any structural changes to a SMSF, including adding a member, changing trustee or winding up the SMSF
  • Borrowing to purchase an investment
  • When a member is considering commencing a pension
  • When benefits are to be paid out of the SMSF
  • When considering a members estate and succession plan

Structural changes

A SMSF Trust Deed essentially provides the operational framework for the SMSF. When considering making any structural changes, it is important to refer to the Trust Deed to ensure the desired changes are permitted.  For example, a Trust Deed may have prescriptive rules in relation to the appointment of additional members. It may require that a potential member complete an application in a specific form, sign a product disclosure statement or provide a written statement that they agree to be bound by the rules of the SMSF. If the new members do not comply with the Trust Deed requirements, then their membership may be void.

There are generally specific requirements for winding up a SMSF. An SMSF Trust Deed may require written notification be given to members or that members must unanimously agree to wind up the SMSF. It may also specify that a SMSF must automatically be wound up in certain circumstances.  Another important area is Trust Deed amendments. Some Trust Deeds are very specific in relation to when and how they can be amended. Some Trust Deeds may require an employer sponsor to approve the amendment. Failure to obtain this approval may result in any amendments being void.


In September 2007, the superannuation legislation was amended to specifically allow SMSFs to borrow money to acquire an asset. If trustees are considering a borrowing arrangement in their SMSF, they should review the Trust Deed to ensure this is permitted, particularly if the Trust Deed is older than 2007. Specific lenders may also require additional powers and/or provisions to meet their lending requirements.

Pension commencement

The rules in relation to pensions have changed substantially from 1 July 2007. It is important that trustees check the SMSFs Trust Deed to ensure it allows for the relevant pension to be paid (e.g. Some older Trust Deeds do not provide for the payment of Account Based Pensions which only came into effect from 1 July 2007). It is also important to check the deed has provisions for the commutation of pensions and the ability to treat pension payments as lump sums should the need arise.

Benefit payment

Where benefits are to be paid out of a SMSF, it is important the Trust Deed is checked to ensure the benefit payment is permitted. It is also important to check the method of payment is permitted, such as via an in-specie transfer of an asset. There may also be specific requirements that a member must have ceased employment or attained a particular age prior to a benefit being able to be paid.

Estate planning

One of the likely scenarios for litigation involving SMSFs is the payment of benefits on death of a member. There have been a number of significant court cases surrounding the payment of death benefits. It is imperative that a Trust Deed is checked prior to a member making a Binding Death Benefit Nomination (BDBN). The Trust Deed should have clear rules as to when a BDBN is binding on the trustee, whether it needs to be in a particular form, whether additional information must be provided to the member making the BDBN and whether the BDBN is to expire after 3 years (which is not a requirement for an SMSF – but industry practice is often to include an expiry clause to ensure members regularly review their situation).

Legislative changes over the past few years

Regular review of a Trust Deed will ensure the SMSF is prepared for any situation, such as paying benefits and entering a limited recourse borrowing arrangement. In practice, it is recommended that a SMSFs Trust Deed be reviewed at least every 3 to 5 years to ensure it remains relevant.

Things to look for when reviewing your Trust Deed:

  • Ensure you are familiar with the powers of the trustee
  • Ensure you check that any death benefit nominations are exactly in accordance with the Trust Deed
  • Prior to paying a benefit from a SMSF, or commencing a pension, check the Trust Deed to ensure the type of payment can be made
  • Ensure you are familiar with the succession rules of your SMSF including who becomes trustee when a member dies or becomes incapacitated


Ensuring you are meeting all government regulations with regard to your SMSF is essential, not only to maximise your retirement fund but also to ensure you avoid any potential tax implications or penalties.

For more information on Trust Deeds, or for any SMSF related enquiry, please feel free to call our office on 1300 726 082 and ask to speak with one of our accountants who will be able to assist.

MDA Portfolio Update May 2022 with David Romanovski and Mark Wenzel

Rooming Houses with THG’s Brad Carlin-Smith and Steve Boyd

In this episode, I have a round table discussion with The Hopkins Group own Steve Boyd, Head of Specialised Property Investment, and Brad Carlin-Smith, Head of Property Sales, about the hot segment of the property market, Rooming Houses.

We discuss the key issues in building, buying and renting in a Rooming House. They are great cash generators for landlords and with the current rent shortage, bring valuable rental accommodation to the market.

This episode provides great insight into Rooming Houses from 2 experts.

To know more about rooming house and how we can help you, please visit:   https://thehopkinsgroup.com.au/service/rooming-houses/

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